I was born two minutes before my twin sister, Patricia, on August 19, 1954. We spent our
childhood traveling as an army family. Dad's military assignments took us to Fort Knox, KY, Fort Chaffee, AR, two visits to Germany, and Fort Campbell, KY! I graduated from Northwest High School in Clarksville, Tennessee, in 1972.
I attended Austin Peay State University and received an education degree in 1976. I married my wife Debbie in 1974. We have three children: Jason, Ryan and Meghann. We have four grands: Hannah (a character in my latest book), Jonas a.k.a. “J.J.,” Madeline, and Seven (the word - not the numeral).
I have immersed myself in the field of education since the age of twenty-one. As an elementary supervisor and Federal Programs Supervisor for Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools in Tennessee, I provided assistance to all 30 schools before retiring in 2005.
Today, I visit schools across the U.S. and Europe, conducting inservice training to teachers on literacy issues and discipline, and I write!
I enjoy traveling, especially in Italy.